Philippines Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Philippines

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Tap on a city to see distances to that city. Tap on a distance for more details.

Air Mileage Chart of Philippines

Distance (miles)
Davao City
General Santos
Cagayan de Oro
Iloilo City
San Jose del Monte
Davao City 72 601 309 118 593 326 618 601 250 124 254 130 589 729
General Santos 72 646 350 167 636 364 663 644 301 160 304 198 633 776
Antipolo 601 646 296 483 24 285 17 18 352 486 347 488 18 132
Bacólod 309 350 296 191 286 26 313 295 75 191 71 213 283 427
Cagayan de Oro 118 167 483 191 476 209 501 483 134 32 137 69 472 613
Dasmarinas 593 636 24 286 476 273 34 9 346 477 342 485 10 146
Iloilo City 326 364 285 26 209 273 302 282 100 206 96 235 270 416
San Jose del Monte 618 663 17 313 501 34 302 25 369 504 365 506 33 115
Bacoor 601 644 18 295 483 9 282 25 353 485 349 492 12 137
Lapu-Lapu 250 301 352 75 134 346 100 369 353 144 4 141 341 480
Iligan 124 160 486 191 32 477 206 504 485 144 148 101 473 617
Mandaue 254 304 347 71 137 342 96 365 349 4 148 145 337 476
Butuan 130 198 488 213 69 485 235 506 492 141 101 145 478 614
Biñan 589 633 18 283 472 10 270 33 12 341 473 337 478 147
Baguio 729 776 132 427 613 146 416 115 137 480 617 476 614 147

Map of Philippines with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Philippines
